Monday, June 8, 2009

As promised...

Here is the painting I was working on the last time I posted. It is completed with the focal point as three different hearts working in the same continuum for the same purpose. They are placed in a background of black speckled with myriad colors (I don't know if you can see that from the image...). To me, it represents the love of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Ghost).

This one I started painting back on my birthday last September in the hope of capturing all the little feet at my house. I think I was successful! We stamped all 60 toes along with the feet they are attached to for Jakob, Rachel, John, Lissa, Joshua, & Hyrum. Being their mom is such a treat!!!

And...I am moving on to bigger things with these canvas frames I have been building (with a little help from my friends!).

Blog to you soon,